live in flow

Empowerment for women - it’s not what you think

Let's broaden the narrative around women's empowerment from the thinking, logic and strategic capacity of the brain, to the multidimensional ways of knowing through the senses of our body and the field of the whole being. But why? And what would the benefit be…?

The power of The Artist's Way Women's Circles

The Artist's Way is one of those encounters that can circle your life a while before you are even aware, or perhaps ready, to commit to the process.  Women come to my Circles with stories of having started the book, only to abandon it in the third chapter. Some were lead by a friend, or it popping up on their radar by way of an acquaintance. Others come, having never heard of the book, hardly knowing me or my work, but an instinct - or what I would call 'body knowing'- compels them to join…

Life by the dark of the New Moon

Occasionally your awareness of the Moon might be sparked because of an unusual event like the Strawberry Moon or an Eclipse season. But what about the eve-to-eve goings on; the waxing, the waning and the significance of the phases in between? What might we begin to observe by being conscious of the moon’s cycle and what, if any, power could it hold for us, personally, in our lives…?



Embodiment as the pathway to our desires

Embodiment as the pathway to our desires

Often influenced by arising demands of our life, what we want and need is usually affected by any number of things: the time of the month (menstrually), cosmic activity (yes this is a thing, and I discuss further in the coming weeks), what season it is and, more simply, how we feel. Sensitivity and awareness to these considerations provide us the data we need to for future planning and expanding into that which will nourish and ‘fuel’ our unique desires. 

Your human-ness is the key to navigating change, challenge & life in general

Your human-ness is the key to navigating change, challenge & life in general

Birth-death-rebirth is as reliable cyclical pattern as both the mythology and science of Wheel of Life would suggest. Yet why, in the thick of it - be it my own experience, or that relayed to me by my clients - is there this shared sense of it feeling unnatural.

A no-fuss morning routine to support ease and mindfulness

After all, how are we supposed to find relief and relaxation if it requires hours of preparation, ideal conditions, half a dozen environmental adjustments, including a perfectly tidy bedroom/home and complete privacy for three hours! #nothappening

Forgiveness by the glow of the Full Moon

It’s a Yang energy period in the Lunar cycle meaning it's action and integration time. This is where all things come to light, illuminated and made visible - which makes perfect sense given that the moon is so juicy, ripe and bright in the sky at this time. The key words at this time are: results; forgiveness; gratitude. What action will you take...