Why you need to retreat so that you can advance

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Yes it’s holiday season, yes it’s end of year, yes there’s imminent family / friend obligations encircling you, BUT(!) that shouldn’t stop you from prioritising your needs. And Beauty, your needs are VITAL.


I’ve spoken recently on my social media channels about going offline, withdrawing and doing whatever it is that makes you feel ok in amongst the madness of year’s end. For some that looks like ‘officially’ withdrawing and announcing yourself taking a break from your online accounts with an announcement and


Great! #Boundariesforthewin!


This disclosure process can help accountability and potentially really support rest and relaxation.


But for the rest of us, or rather, for anyone like me who’s really sick of rules, protocols, permissions and expectations, I couldn’t give a brass whazoo! Haha!


But for the rest of us, or rather, for anyone like me who’s really sick of rules, protocols, permissions and expectations, I couldn’t give a brass whazoo! Haha!


I mean, if I’m online - I’m online. If I’m not - I’m simply not.


If this unpredictable visibility is a make-or-break tipping point in successfully supporting my community and clients, then I’ve got the wrong folk around me.


Don’t misunderstand me, this sort of conscious action requires pause and is definitely a step in the right direction.


But let’s be real, a social media break isn’t going to save us from burn out, stress, anxiety and hives if we live in a whirlwind of performance, meeting expectations and don’t fiercely have our own best interests at heart, front and centre.  


I have a history of ‘being available’. I’ve been the office Girl Friday.


I’ve been the first responder in the group emails / message chains with all the answers to all the unasked questions.


And I know for a lot of women, the quality, and consistency and access to us - be that via Social Media, or family, or workplaces - can be jam-packed with some extraordinarily powerful (make-believe) ‘stories’ about who we are, our value, and our reputation.


A lot is at stake, especially when we’ve spent decades investing…


So what I’m asking you to do for yourself at this time of the year, is to take stock and do a little more implement a social media break (or not - because for some of us it’s a joy).


When was the last time you organised 1 hour for you?


Had an uninterrupted bathing/ soothing ritual?


Sat down and listened to your favourite podcast with a delicious cup of tea?


Do this, and do it now:


  1. Assess the areas of your life that would not be lost or catastrophised by your ‘retreating’.

  2. Choose at least five negotiable tasks taking up precious space in your life

  3. Order them from “Why the hell do I even do this” (1) to “I would rather live with the guilt than try and get out of that” (5)

  4. Fo Sho ditch number 1 and seriously get to grips with getting rid of 2 & 3!   


And for the love of the Goddess, don’t *just* proclaim a ‘social media’ break.


You deserve a hell of a lot more than a digital detox.


Be bold and brave Beauty - I’m cheering for you!